>_ Update Log
10-18-24:Started building my site.
10-23-24:Site is live - still in development.
11-04-24Guestbook and contact page functionality is working.
11-12-24Added device shrines.
12-07-24Put in to join the furry webring.
Art by: TheRoguez
You can call me Racquinox! (Rack - win - ox) I'm a freelance web developer out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you'd like to get to know me more for who I am, and what I'm interested in, check out the different sections of my site linked above. If you're interested in hiring me for a project, or messaging me with any questions or for a quote on a project, check out the sections below.
I consider myself to be a child of the internet. I grew up reading Angelfire blogs, talking to stangers in chatrooms, playing flash games, and had my first experience writing HTML on MySpace in the mid-2000s. I remember when "Google" became a verb, I remember the birth and death of Myspace, the rise and fall of Facebook, migrations from Tumblr and the increasing corporatization of the internet.
More recently, I've seen the web revival movement pop up, calling for a return to some aspects of the old web. While I fully admit it has me feeling a bit nostalgic remembering things the way they used to be, it's also provided a solution to the AI fueled, big-business social media that has come to dominate the internet. It has me remembering why I fell in love with the internet so long ago, and realizing it can be like that all over again! (Just with better technology, and some lessons learned, yes, I also remember going and making food while I wait for a single image to load.)
10-18-24:Started building my site.
10-23-24:Site is live - still in development.
11-04-24Guestbook and contact page functionality is working.
11-12-24Added device shrines.
12-07-24Put in to join the furry webring.
<a href="https://racquinox.net"><img src="88x31.jpg"/></a>
Feel free to contact me for a quote, to ask questions, or for any of your website needs!